When you log-in, you will find directions and tool tips throughout the registration and reporting process.

You may also download our Quick Start Guide for step-by-step instructions.

If you need further assistance, our staff is available to help. Contact us as ethicscommission@oaklandca.gov.

The term “lobbyist" is interpreted broadly and includes any individual:

1. who receives, or is entitled to receive, $1,000 or more in compensation in a single calendar month to communicate with any public official for the purpose of influencing an action by the City (commonly referred to as a “contract lobbyist”); or

2. whose duties as a paid employee, officer, or director, of any corporation, organization or association, include communication with any public official for the purpose of influencing an action by the City (commonly referred to as an “in-house lobbyist”). [Oakland Municipal Code (OMC) 3.20.030(D)]

Once a person qualifies as a lobbyist, they are required to register with the Public Ethics Commission before beginning or continuing any lobbying activity. [OMC 3.20.040 and 3.20.120] Oakland lobbyists must renew their registration by January 31 each year.

No. The Act only requires individuals to register as lobbyists (and not companies or organizations). However, each employer and client of a lobbyist must be identified on both the Lobbyist Registration form and Lobbyist Quarterly Activity Reports.

The client is the person or organization (the “real party in interest”) for whose benefit the services of a lobbyist are being performed. However, a person is not a client if they are simply a member of an organization that is represented by a registered lobbyist. [OMC 3.20.030(A)]

A government action (municipal decision) can consist of a decision to refrain from action, delay action, or delay considering a matter. Only ministerial actions by the City (i.e., decisions requiring no discretion or judgment) are excluded.

Lobbying is a broad term that includes any communication, whether direct or through agent with any public official made with the purpose of influencing any proposed or pending action of the City. [OMC 3.20.030(D)]

Yes, once a person qualifies as a lobbyist, they are required to file quarterly activity reports, even for periods when there was no lobbying activity. 

For quarters with no activity, create a draft report and complete the "Clients Represented" section for each client with the "Reportable Activity" box unchecked. Then submit the report.

Click "Profile" from the top menu on any page to see your complete filing history.

The categories listed for client's Business Interest are based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is used by the United States government to classify businesses by industry. Please use the category that best describes your client's area of business. For more information on NAICS and a lookup tool visit https://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/.

Visit the City of Oakland Staff Directory or check the department's webpage.

Visit the City of Oakland website to view lists of Oakland Boards and Commissions along with member rosters.

To ensure lobbyists are aware of, and comply with, city laws relating to lobbying, all lobbyists must complete this lobbyist training.

What to Do

How to complete your training requirement

  1. Watch the video  Go to video 
  2. Submit your post-training quiz  Take the quiz 

Need to Know

  • Oakland lobbyists must complete the PEC’s lobbyist training.within 60 days of their initial registration.
  • Lobbyists who were registered in the previous calendar year, must complete a lobbyist training session within 60 days of reregistering, or by March 31 in the year of the lobbyist’s reregistration, whichever deadline is later.
  • The Public Ethics Commission may invalidate a registration for failure to comply with training requirements.

In very limited circumstances generally beyond the control of the lobbyist, the Commission may waive a late fee. Waiver requests must qualify under the Commission's Waiver Policy (use link to read the full policy) and must be submitted using this form within 14 days of the receipt of the late fee notice.

Lobbyists representing non-profit organizations and small businesses that meet certain tax status and/or income requirements may apply for reduced or waived registration fees (O.M.C. 3.20.040). Learn more about eligibility requirements and submit your application online by visiting our Request Lobbyist Registration Fee Waiver webpage. Fee waiver applications for 2024 registration renewal must be received by February 21, 2024.

Send a check or money order for $500 made out to “City of Oakland” to:


Public Ethics Commission

1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza

Room 104

Oakland, CA 94612

Attn: Lobbyist Registration


You can also pay your fee online from Oakland’s invoice payment portal. You will need the fee invoice sent to you after you submit your registration before you can pay online with a credit card.

Beginning in 2024, the Lobbyist Registration Act now requires lobbyists to pay an annual registration fee of $500 if the lobbyist registers between January 1 and June 30 or $250 if the local governmental lobbyist registers between July 1 and December 31. Registration is valid for the duration of the calendar year in which the registration fee is paid.

Lobbyists must re-register annually during the month of January and pay the applicable registration fee.

The Lobbyist Registration Act allows the Commission to waive or reduce the lobbyist registration fee for lobbyists who meet certain criteria. Lobbyist registration fees will be waived for a lobbyist who:

  1. is a salaried employee, officer, or director of an organization or association that is exempt from taxation under 26 U.S.C. Sections 501(c)(3) and that received less than $750,000 in gross receipts; and
  2. is exclusively representing that organization.

Lobbyist registration fees will be reduced for a local governmental lobbyist who:

  1. is a salaried employee, officer, or director of any corporation, organization or association that received less than $200,000 in gross receipts or gross income; and
  2. is exclusively representing that corporation, organization or association.

The Public Ethics Commission may require that a local governmental lobbyist submit proof of an employer’s gross receipts or gross income to receive the fee reduction or fee waiver.

Quarterly disclosure reports are due no later than the last day of the month following the end of the quarter.



If a lobbyist fails to submit any information required by the Lobbyist Registration Act after the applicable deadline, the Public Ethics Commission will impose a late filing fee of $10 per day after the deadline until the information is received by the Public Ethics Commission or the total amount of late fees reach $1,000.

Please contact ethicscommission@oaklandca.gov and our staff will assist you.

Go to https://apps.oaklandca.gov/oakapps/. Click "Log In." On the log in page click "Forgot Password." A link to reset your password will be sent to your email address.

There is no extension when a deadline date falls on a weekend or holiday. Reports may be filed prior to the deadline 24/7 using the online system.

Before you can enter contacts with public officials on behalf of a client, you must indicate that the client has activity to report in the “Clients Represented” section.

Use the “Edit” action to update whether a client has activity during the reporting period. When “Reportable Activity” is checked, the client name will appear in the dropdown list when you add contacts with public officials. 

If you have new clients, you will need to update your registration to add the new client before you can add them to a report.

Go to https://apps.oaklandca.gov/oakapps/. Log into your account.  Click on your name on the top right hand side of the screen. Click on Settings.  Click on Edit Profile. Make your changes.  Click Save. 

Click here to see your activities