Complaint Form - Anonymously 
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Please upload any evidence that you feel may be important such as copies of citations, police reports, photographs, audio or video recordings, etc.  Once your complaint has been initiated you will have the opportunity to submit further documentation or evidence either to our office, or electronically through the “follow my complaint” functionality included if you register as a user through this website.

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By checking this box, I hereby attest that I have read and understood this statement, which I have made of my own free will, and that all information provided in this complaint is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.  
| Notice and Releases
The Oakland Community Police Review Agency (CPRA) investigates complaints against members of the Oakland Police Department.  The CPRA process (civilian complaint review) is a PUBLIC PROCESS.  This means that all the information you provide to the CPRA and any information you authorize the Oakland Police Department to release to the CPRA will be maintained in CPRA files for a period set by the California Public Records Act, and may be released to the public under certain circumstances.

I have read and understood that the information gathered during the investigation is a matter of public record, and may be released to the public under certain circumstances. 
In order for the CPRA to effectively investigate your complaint, you must authorize the Oakland Police Department to release to the CPRA the following information to which you are entitled by law [Cal. Gov’t Code §6254(f)]: any statements you have given or may give in the future to the Oakland Police Department regarding this incident, the names and addresses of persons involved in or witnesses to the incident (other than confidential informants), the description of any property involved, the date, time, and location of the incident, all diagrams, statements of the parties involved in the incident, and statements of all witnesses (other than confidential informants).

I have read and understood the above and authorize the Oakland Police Department to release the above information to the CPRA.
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